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Referral Partners
Chak & Associates LLP
2101, Tower 2, Admiralty Center, Hong Kong
家庭資料 - 配偶 :
Wife - Psychologist
家庭資料 - 孩子 :
Sky - Study Product Design in US Walker - Grade 11 in HK
家庭資料 - 寵物 :
Kitty - Stripe 6 yrs old
Trail running, photography, cookery, model making
working with a team of talent in HERO chapter
原居地 :
Hong Kong
since I was born
我的熱切期望 :
expand my network and promote my business in global BNI network
沒有人知道的秘密是... :
crazy love junk food
我的成功關鍵是 :
Never Give Up
目標 :
10 times revenue gain
成就 :
complete 4 deserts ultramarathon, a cheerful and efficient legal team
1. 請詳細形容你所提供的產品及服務: (請清晰及明確地描述)
The following describes the products & services you offer. [Be VERY specific]
i. Commercial Litigation, court action
ii. Merger & Acquisition, Investment
iii. Demand unpaid invoice
iv. Commercial contract
2. 你所提供的產品與競爭者之間的分別: (例如: 我的產品 5 年內包退換)
How are you different from your competitors? [eg: My product comes with a 5 years money back guarantee etc]
i. Transparent pricing, no hidden charges
ii. Fix pricing policy, better for client prepare litigation budget
3. 請明確列舉你想找尋的目標市場 / 顧客: (例如: 律師, 銀行家, 地產業等)
Name businesses / people within your Target Market. [eg: Lawyer - House Buyers, Bank Officers etc]
i. Tech start ups
ii. Logistic company, construction company, manufacturer & supplier
iii. Institutional investors
iv. Money lender
4. 請教我用一句好的開場白,即可為你找尋到適合的目標客戶/ 資源?
What would be good “Conversation Starters” so that I can listen out for lead phrases? [eg: Cleaner - How long does it take you to clean your entire house?, Lawyer - Do you know what your rights as an employer are? etc]
i. Experience litigation expert
ii. excellent reputation in legal industry
5. 告訴我當我聽到一句怎樣的說話時即表示有機會可以為你找到合適的引薦?
What “Phrases Do I Listen For” to find you a referral? [eg: Accountant - I don’t have time to do my taxes, Web Developer - I’m looking to market my business internationally, Printer - I’m getting married etc]
i. I have a court case trouble, I having dispute with my business partner
ii. Dispute unresolved and hanging over a long time
6. 我該如何衡量一個引薦的質量/認真程度? 例如: 我能否告訴___你真的需要請一個新工人? (對方的答案越仔細越理想)
How can I “Qualify” a referral for you to see if they are serious? [eg: Can I tell ___ that you are serious in getting a maid?, Can I inform ___ that you will be visiting his outlet tomorrow at 10 AM? The more specific the better]
i. he/she has fund for court action?
ii. he/she treasure importance of contractual protection?
7. 對你來說什麼會是一個不合適的引薦? (例如: 向批發商只訂一件貨)
What is NOT a good referral for you? [eg: Distributors – single item orders, Contractor – soft furnishing etc]
i. divorce case
ii. conveyancing case
iii. personal injury claim
iv. commercial claim under $100,000
8. 一般人對你的業務有什麼誤解及我應如何回應? (例如: 風水顧問的費用一般都很昂貴)
What are the most common misconceptions of your business & what should I say? [eg: Feng Shui consultations are expensive, There are hidden cost behind every bridal package etc]
i. court action is expensive, - lawyer don't understand my problem
ii. litigation is time consuming - I don't have enough evidence
1. Cathay Pacific
4. Konica Minolta
5. Top Soya
6. Shun Lee Building Material
7. Webber Office Furniture
8. Compass Office
9. Hin San Hong
10. Nippi Hong Kong
2. Accountant
3. Company Secretary
4. Company Executive
5. Building Contractor
6. HR Executive
7. Building Surveyors
8. Investigator
9. Camera collector group
10. Desert runner group
1. Accountant
2. Corporate Head / CEO
3. BNI Members
4. Biz Chambers Members
5. --
6. --
7. --
8. --
Good Referral:
Demand letter,
Legal letter,
Review contract,
Will drafting
Ideal Referral:
Company shareholder dispute action
Trademark infringement case
Defamation case
Court action claim under 1M
Buy sale company under 10M
Franchise Agreement
Project Investment
Dream Referral:
Court action claim above 3M
Buy sale company above 100M
Complex company shareholder dispute
Family assets dispute case
Money lender debt management
Insurance claim cases management