Ace Club FitnessLtd為了統一及提高教練團隊的專業性及整體師資水平,Ace Club 成為香港少數提供內部教練培訓的小型健身中心,系統性內部培訓能確保公司為學員提供教練時師資的統一性。
To improve the professionalism of the coaching team, Ace Club has become one of the fitness centers in Hong Kong that provides internal training sysyem. Systematic internal training can ensure the unity of coaches when we provide coaches to students.
Internal training will provide the following index for the coaching team :
✅ Basic Nutrition
✅ Arthrokinematics
✅ Kinesiology
✅ Athletic Training
✅ Exercise Physiology
Whether your goal is Body Recomposition, Posture Correction, Movement Adjustment, Improvement of Mobility and Flexibility, our team can lead you to the destination.
In addition, the following specialties also have corresponding coaches to provide services:
✅ Stretching
✅ Contest Prep
✅ Pre-and-postnatal Fitness
✅ Elderly fitness
✅ Corrective Exercise
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